Posted by: Michelle Mitton | February 3, 2009


This is just a test blog I use. To visit my real blog please see Scribbit (a blog about motherhood in Alaska) at

Posted by: Michelle Mitton | February 2, 2009

The Best Write-Away Contest Yet

Rover Beach Cruiser from Just BicyclesSorry for the superlatives but this really is the best month ever for the Write-Away Contest. If you don’t believe me just check out this month’s sponsor. Just Bicycles is a terrific website that sells–you guessed it–just bicycles but these are the coolest bikes I’ve seen.

Now I have to admit that Lance Armstrong I am not and I’m not really a fan of the hyper-tech bicycles for those of you training to bike over the Himalayas or across Africa next summer. I like my seats soft, the handlebars high and comfort all the way.

That’s why I’m excited about the prize this month. Just Bicycles has mountain bikes which are great for their purpose but for those of us whose thighs aren’t so hardy Just Bicycles has beach cruisers which in my opinion is how a bike should be.

Island Tandem Bike from Just BicyclesLove the fenders, love the upright, vintage style and I can picture myself riding one of these babies along a road on Sanibel Island with a gorgeous bike basket full of flowers in the front, the breeze blowing in my hair. Or maybe on one of their tandem bikes with Andrew–and the flowers thing too. Gotta have the basket and the flowers thing for the full dream-like effect.

So now that I’ve got you all worked up over biking across the beaches on one of these bikes Just Bicycles is offering a prize of $200 toward one of their gorgeous beach cruiser bikes which should cover the cost of most of their models including shipping but I do need to caution you that should you live outside of the contiguous United States with extra shipping charges beyond what the $200 covers it will fall on you to make up the difference for your prize to make it all the way to you (sorry, but shipping to Patagonia or Prague can be expensive you know).

Everyone with me so far?

This month’s topic is . . .*drumroll* “First Bike.” It happened that over the holidays while we were out with friends each of us began talking about our first bikes. How we got them, what they were like, how we felt about them and I realized that most of us can remember the first bike we owned and how it made us feel. February is the month of love and there’s nothing like the love of a kid for his or her bike so I’m guessing there are stories out there, either from your own experience or someone you know, and here’s your chance.

Our guest judge is Riley from All Rileyed Up who is not only an excellent writer/rider but is currently mourning the fact that as a judge she can’t enter the contest herself and take a shot at the Fabulous Prize.

That’s enough details, the next part is all up to you, to enter please follow the directions below:

1. Write a post or find one in your archives on this month’s theme then email your post’s permalink to me at scribbit at The permalink is the URL of the individual post–not the URL of your blog–usually found by clicking on the post title or time stamp and copying the URL that appears in the address field. I will accept entries through Wednesday February 18th. If you fail to meet that deadline I will still happily publish your link with the list of entries but it will not be judged. I reserve the right to reject submissions if they fail to meet the topic or if they contain objectionable content.

2. Publish a link to the contest page here at Scribbit in either your entry post or in a separate post. I’m not picky how you do this, just give the contest a little mention as a courtesy and nod back. Don’t stress over it because I won’t.

3. Check back here on Friday February 21st when I will post a complete list of the entries along with the Write-Away Winner and three Honorable Mentions.

4. Please remember: I will list the entries along with a small teaser for each. Just the first sentence or two of each post to give people an idea what they might expect if they should be so bold as to click on the entry.

Also, please be aware that while you are welcome to include graphics or photographs with your entries the judge will only see the text of your post. No links, no pictures, no name of your blog, nothing that might identify it to the judge. While visual posts are always beautiful to see on your blog I will only send the text to the judge and your entry will not be able to rely on visuals to influence their judgment.

I’m sorry if this makes it difficult, there are some amazing photographers out there, but it is a writing contest and I’d like to keep things focused on words.

As always, all featured winners will get to take home this attractive Write-Away Winner button which he or she may display if they wish.

The Write-Away Contest Hosted by Scribbit
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Posted by: Michelle Mitton | February 2, 2009

Mt. Redoubt and Other Alaska Volcanoes

Mt. Redoubt and Volcanoes in AlaskaI wanted to say thank you to everyone who has emailed me to see if we’re alive and well, what with us living next door to a rumbling volcano and all. It’s nice to know that there are people who care.

For those of you just tuning in Alaska is one of three states with active volcanoes–29 to be exact–and from time to time we get eruptions at an average of about two a year. Mt. Redoubt is 100 miles southwest of Anchorage and the last time it erupted back about the time I was in high school it sent a cloud of ash all the way to Anchorage which dirtied the city and generally made things inconvenient.

For the past week Redoubt has been showing clear signs of repeating the show and vulcanologists are saying we can expect fireworks at any time–probably sooner rather than later. I’m not worried about getting in the path of anything terribly dangerous but all the ash can really wreak havoc.

We’ve stocked up on face masks and air filters for the cars (in case you were wondering if volcanic ash on the highway reduces your visibility to two cars ahead of you then you shouldn’t drive more than 50 miles without changing your oil and air filters). Plus we’ve tried to keep a supply of perishables on hand just in case.

Our family has a supply of emergency food we always keep in our crawl space so should things get particularly nasty we’re in good shape to wait it out. In fact, the biggest worry is that the ash will be nasty to clean and will temporarily shut down the city which will mean school will be canceled yet again.

Forget hot lava the real danger here is rabid children.

Sponsored by Greeting of Grace where you can find beautiful pressed flowers and by Just Bicycles by for gorgeous beach cruiser bikes.

* photo courtesy of Anchorage Daily News

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Posted by: Michelle Mitton | February 1, 2009

Cinnamon Dumplings with Apple Cider Syrup

Apple Cider DumplingsThis is a recipe I pull out for winter breakfasts and yes I know that the nutritional value is probably minimal and that I might as well feed the children a bowl of Hershey bars with milk but I never claimed this was a health-food blog.

This can’t be any more sugary than pancakes or waffles, right? And with the apple cider syrup you’re at least getting a smidgen of vitamins in there, right?

I won’t even tell you about the night a couple weeks ago when Andrew was gone on business and I fed the kids chocolate cake for dinner . . .

For dumplings:
1 ½ cup flour
2 ¼ teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
¾ teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons butter, in pieces
1 ½ tablespoons whole milk
1 egg plus 1 egg yolk

For syrup:
2 cups sugar
3/4 cup water
4 c apple cider

Yogurt or whipped cream for topping

Cinnamon Dumplings with Apple Cider SyrupCombine dry ingredients for dumplings (flour through cinnamon) then cut in butter until the mixture resembles coarse bread crumbs. Add milk and eggs and stir until it forms a ball.

Separate the dough into about 24 1/2-inch balls and set aside.

Meanwhile, cook sugar and water over medium without stirring until sugar melts and turns amber, 14 min. Cook two more minutes then whisk in apple cider. Bring to a simmer and drop in balls, cooking until golden brown (20 min). Top with yogurt or whipped cream.

Sponsored by Beauty Products Compared for the best wrinkle creams and by Pink and Blue for unique baby gifts to make them “ooh” and “ahh.”

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Posted by: Michelle Mitton | January 31, 2009

Kids Central Kitchen Giveaway

Pirate Cookie Baking Kit from Kid's Central KitchenI love baking for my kids and I love baking with my kids. They want to help out and be the ones to mix and roll and shape so I can really appreciate this week’s sponsor. Kids Central Kitchen has all the things to introduce kids to the art of baking–and baking healthy.

Kids Central Kitchen sells baking mixes for cookies, brownies, pancakes, all sorts of good-smelling goodies, but their source of pride is that their treats are made as healthy as possible without trans fats, hydrogenated oils, artificial colors or flavors and other additives. Instead they’re made from whole grains and have been kid tested to be not only good for you but tasty too.

But besides the mixes they sell the stuff that makes cooking fun: baker’s hats, aprons, mixing bowls and spoons, cookie cutters and serving dishes. And what I really like are the baking kits like you see here where you get a bowl, measuring spoons, a baking mix, the cookie cutters–even sprinkles for the top. They’ve put various baking kits together on various themes like pirates and fairy tales, they even have the supplies for a baking party in a box.

This week’s prize is the pirate baking kit which you see pictured here and if you’d like to see all the fun things it comes with go check out the link on their website. What a fun birthday gift for a boy or girl.

To be entered in the giveaway and win the baking kit simply follow the directions below.

Here’s how to win:

Before 12 am Monday morning click here to reach the giveaway entry form then enter your name and email. I will pick one of the names at random, contact the winner via their email and publish the winner’s first name and home town in next Tuesday’s post. See the bottom of the entry form for more details.

This giveaway is open to all readers so good luck!

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Posted by: Michelle Mitton | January 30, 2009

Someone I’d Like You to Meet: Summer from Summer’s Nook

Summer from Summer's NookThis month’s Write-Away Contest guest judge was Summer from Summer’s Nook–a talented woman who reads, writes, sews, cooks, designs, blogs, mothers and in the process inspires the rest of us. Be sure to visit her blog to see what she’s up to this week and tell her thanks for judging the contest. And by the way . . . check the bottom of this post for a hint about next month’s contest. It’s gonna be terrific!


What kind of creative things do you like to do and how do you fit them into your schedule?

I am passionate about learning so I am always looking to teach myself something new. Within the past couple of years I’ve taken up basic bead jewelry making, sewing (still very much a beginner), blogging, blog design and couponing.

In addition to that I find time to crochet, read, write, play piano, baking, cake decorate, scrapbook, play video games and do genealogy. Of course, I don’t do all of them all the time. Rather I go through short spurts where I’m intently focused on one or two until I move on to the next and then the next and come back round again. The only ones I keep up on a really regular basis are reading, piano, blogging and blog design at my site Designs by Summer.

What kinds of things do you wish you knew how to do?

I’ve always wanted to learn about wood working. Unfortunately it’s a more expensive hobby so maybe at a later point in my life I’ll get to try it out. I also wish I could dance really well. I think it would be a blast to learn to dance like some of the people I’ve seen on So You Think You Can Dance or to take couple classes with my hubby.

What’s your favorite thing about blogging?

Being an “at home” mom can get pretty lonely at times and blogging has helped me feel like I’m part of a community even when I’m stuck at home for the day. I’ve also really loved getting to know people I wouldn’t have met except through that medium.

Do you feel that there is a lot of comparison that goes on among women bloggers? How do you feel about comparison—or some might call it competition? Does it help or hinder us as bloggers or the community as a whole?

I actually wrote a piece about this subject for the Group Write-Away project for July called Misconception. I think we compare ourselves to others on a daily basis, sometimes without realizing it. But it’s not always a negative thing. You might look at an acquaintance and think, “That’s such a great attribute she has, I want to be like that” and feel empowered to try and adopt that attribute.

Comparing ourselves with a mindset like that can be a positive thing if it helps us strive to become better. But comparing oneself to a woman with the sole intent of bashing on the fact that you’re not like her is what is most damaging.

As for the woman/mommy blogging community, I have found it to be a wonderfully supportive sphere.

What opinion could you give that would be the most controversial?

Shrimp is the most odious smelling, disgustingly textured, foul tasting food on the face of the earth!
What was the last book you read? What book do you like the least?

Austenland by Shannon Hale and I thought it was delightful. My least favorite book I’ve ever read was A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle. I had to read it in 6th grade and absolutely loathed it. Of course I’m contemplating re-reading it to see if my memories of it were swayed by being forced to read it back then…

What was the scariest thing you’ve ever faced?

A toxic medicine interaction that gave me instant Panic Disorder. I’ve written a little bit about it on my blog. I’m working on getting the rest written but it’s difficult to relive.

What kind of weather do you like best?

Sunny and warm/hot. I love the desert!

If you could have every person in North America reading your blog would you like that? Would you like that kind of fame?

Why not? I’m pretty sure blogging fame doesn’t bring along the paparazzi. If it does, then I change my answer. 🙂


Just BicyclesGet ready for another Write-Away Contest starting February 2nd and as the month will be a short one I’ll give you a hint of what the topic will be: our sponsor is the fabulous website Just Bicycles where you can find all sorts of gorgeous bicycles like the ladies beach cruiser you see at the right here. Can’t you just picture yourself riding this beauty down a country road with a vintage basket on the front filled with flowers?

The prize is going to be wonderful so starting thinking about bicycles! (Do you know that I’ve always wanted to have a tandem bike? Always.)

Sponsored by Dimples and Dandelions–for the Serena and Lily Bedding Collection for Children.

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Posted by: Michelle Mitton | January 29, 2009

Tips for a Well-Stocked Pantry

Kerns Juice and NectarsOn Wednesdays I plan out my menu for the week and on Thursdays I do my shopping—the goal is to make only one trip to the grocery store each week and generally I’m able to stick to this. Of course that doesn’t mean that every once in a while I don’t find myself struggling to come up with a last minute idea which is why I keep a supply of extras on hand.

Here’s the stuff I always try to keep on hand and why—if you’ve got your own suggestions please leave them in the comments because you never know what you’ll find in someone else’s fridge.

1. Canned pineapple. I buy canned chunks because of all the canned fruits pineapple is the most versatile. Use it in stir fry or sweet and sour pork, use it for pineapple upside down cake or to puree for pineapple sorbet. Use it as a salsa for seafood or chicken or in a salad. It goes well with pork and chicken and fish, even ham, in fact it pretty much works for any meal of the day in sweet or savory dishes hot or cold and Costco sells convenient pop top cans in nice sizes.

Canned peaches are also a good stocking item because in a pinch you can substitute peaches for mangoes in a lot of recipes such as salsas and purees.

2. Bouillon. You can keep canned broth on hand but it’s bulky, especially if you’re stocking up on beef, chicken and vegetable broths. Instead just keep the bouillon cubes—or better yet the granules—in their little jars. A teaspoon of granules equals a cup of broth which is also nice when you don’t need a whole can. Good for soups, sauces and salad dressings you’re always going to need broth.

3. Kern’s juice. Kern’s is a brand that makes canned fruit juices in all their lovely assorted goodness—usually the kinds of juice that are a little more difficult to come up with. Guava, apricot, peach, mango, strawberry, the cans sell for about $1.29 here and a can or two on the shelf is great for using in desserts or bread or sometimes in sweet and sour sauces. I never know when I’m going to need one but when I do I’m really glad I’ve got them. I also keep coconut milk and cream of coconut on hand for the same reasons–they’re great for Thai and Asian recipes along with desserts.

The Gourmet Garden Minced Spices4. Minced ginger, cilantro. You’re probably familiar with bottles of minced garlic which are so helpful in the kitchen but besides these I like to keep tubes of minced ginger and cilantro as well. So many recipes call for fresh ginger or cilantro and it’s not something I usually carry unless there’s a specific recipe I’m planning.

The tubes keep for weeks and weeks unopened and a tablespoon is usually all you’ll ever need at a time. While they’re not as fresh as the produce (obviously) they taste very good in a pinch and can be used for so many dishes. The brand name is The Gourmet Garden and they have all kinds of herbs and spice varieties.

5. Canned beans. Specifically I keep canned garbanzos (chick peas), black beans and kidney beans. I keep the dry ones of course too but the dry ones take so long to cook that sometimes you need the convenience of the canned and ready to eat variety.

They’re good for everything from hummus and falafel to chili and soup and salad. You can add them to tacos and enchiladas and meatloaf or mash them for vegetarian dishes as well as a great side dish with some cumin and green pepper sautéed in for spice. I rarely have tons of meat on hand–unless maybe it’s some salmon or halibut filets–and having beans really beefs up a last-minute meal.

6. Frozen berries. I’ve always got one of those big Costco bags of berries around because they’re always good for something. I can throw a handful in the microwave and make a quick syrup for pancakes or crepes, I can make a great cobbler or pie, but they’re the best for smoothies when you can throw a cup of them into the blender with some of that Kern’s juice I mentioned and you’ve got an instant smoothie treat. If you want to get really wild use them in a sauce with pork or even chicken and they add beautiful color and vitamins and punch.

7. Canned pesto. This one is so obvious but a can of pesto with a bit of pasta makes an instant meal—throw in some chopped tomatoes and pine nuts if you want to add some extra color and crunch. I use it in soups and sauces and marinade plus straight from the jar for salads or kabobs. Just a can can give you the answer to “What am I going to do for dinner?” A jar of capers or sundried tomatoes isn’t a bad idea either, they’re nearly as helpful.

8. Mustards. This one is pretty obvious but having a good selection of condiments is a must. Keep Dijon on hand at all times plus Worcestershire, soy and all kinds of vinegars. I keep rice vinegar, regular ol’ white, apple cider vinegar, red and white wine vinegars and balsamic at all times and I’m always using them. I also keep Thai fish sauce, curry paste, lime and lemon juice around too—they’re always needed.

Kretschmer Wheat Germ9. Toasted wheat germ. I like to use this stuff when a recipe calls for bread crumbs because it’s healthy and keeps well in jars in the refrigerator. A cup in your meatloaf or in your breading makes your meal that much friendlier to your colon.

10. Crab apple jelly. This one is a little funny but I find that my yearly supply that I make is great for lots of sauces that need a bit of sweetness. I use it in marinades for pot roasts and even things like the sauce for Monte Cristo sandwiches when I pair it up with mustard. A little egg and a little sweet and sour sauce and you can dress up a plain old toasted cheese sandwich in no time. If you don’t have crab apple jelly a good substitue is currant jelly which is easily found at most grocery stores.

11. Anchovy paste. Useful in salads particularly—there’s really no substitute for the kick you get from a tablespoon in the sauce. I know it sounds suspicious but you’re just going to have to trust me on this. Plus it keeps forever in the fridge.

12. Mixed greens. I buy the big container of mixed spring greens from Costco nearly every week because they’re washed and ready to go whenever I need a salad or some greens for hamburgers, sandwiches or wraps. They’ll keep a week or so and with this crew we’ll make our way through a tub of the stuff in about the same time.

13. Frozen shrimp. I like, once again, the bags I can get at Costco with the peeled and deveined tail-off shrimp. It’s so handy to be able to throw some in a bowl of water for a quick defrost before throwing them into the pot of chowder or pasta, on a salad or even as a filling for crepes. They’re the quick and easy way to make a meal feel more filling and substantial without adding lots of calories or fat or work. And if you consider the benefits, a bag for $13 isn’t too bad, that will make several meals for us easily.

Andrew doesn’t care for shrimp that much but he does like scallops so I will also keep a bag of frozen scallops in the freezer because shrimp and scallops can often be used interchangeably in a recipe.

Sponsored by Best Dressed Tables–For beautiful tables any time of year.

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Posted by: Michelle Mitton | January 28, 2009

A Valentine’s Day Necklace: "Bead My Valentine"

Valentine's Day NecklaceThis was a fun little Valentine I gave to Grace. Though you would think that a Valentine’s Day choker would be a bit counter-intuitive she liked the idea enough to make one for her friends as well.

Using Sculpey clay (or another brand of clay that hardens when you bake it) roll out a piece of clay into a string as thin as you can make it and about six or seven inches long.

Roll up the string of clay at both ends toward the middle then pinch it the middle point into a heart shape and bake according to package directions.

Valentine's Day NecklaceOnce it’s hardened string a ribbon through the holes to make a pretty little choker (you could also use a chain or natural fiber for different looks). The beads would also make a pretty charm for a bookmark.

Sponsored by Manfred Mantis Play Sets–Play equipment for the 21st century.

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Posted by: Michelle Mitton | January 28, 2009

Vintage Quilting with Grace

Vintage QuiltingI’ve been teaching the girls I work with at church how to piece a quilt. It’s been slow going and we’ve been at it for a year now but they’ve done a beautiful job–here’s Grace’s top.

I just love the vintage fabric and there were enough leftovers to make something else. I’m trying to think of what would be just right for it . . . any ideas? I’m always up for ideas.

If Lillian were just a few years younger the fabric would make a cute pinafore (I doubt she’d go for that now). And I wondered if it might instead make a sweet apron.

Vintage QuiltingBut I just can’t bear to throw away the extras and I keep thinking there’s got to be a really smashing idea that they’d be perfect for.

Sponsored by Pak Naks–Decorate your stuff with these adorable rubber charms.

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Posted by: Michelle Mitton | January 27, 2009

Dallas Activities Beyond the Rodeo

Beth MorleyBeth Morley is a full-time mom, part-time English professor, aspiring chef, and secret techno geek. She resides in Dallas, Texas with her husband David and her two kids Lucy & Max. You can read all about her domestic mishaps and social mistakes at Blog O’ Beth. If you happen to be a resident of Dallas as well feel free to leave your own personal tips for enjoying the area, I’d love to hear them.


I live in Dallas or “the Big D.” I do not own a cowboy hat or cowboy boots. I do own a gun, but I don’t own bullets so I’m not sure if that still counts. Dallas is more than a football team, a TV show, 10-gallon hats and the spot where JFK was shot.

Places to Go Besides the Rodeo

If you’ve never been to a rodeo and it sounds like fun then yes, go to the rodeo. However, I’d like to suggest some other ideas. Skip the Texas Rangers baseball stadium. Instead, head north to the minor league baseball stadium.

The Frisco Rough Riders are about 35 minutes north of the city proper. The stadium is beautiful and every Friday game includes a fantastic fireworks show at the end. Plus, the lawn seats (which are so close you can see the player’s faces) are only $8 a piece – much cheaper than any major league stadium.

The Dallas World Aquarium is not the official city aquarium but privately owned and operated. However, it is more than just an aquarium it is a replica of the rain forest. Visitors start at the top of the rain forest canopy with monkeys and birds and gradually work their way through to the bottom. The aquarium includes everything from howler monkeys to jaguars to flamingos to sharks and manatees.

The aquarium is fully indoors and temperature controlled which makes it perfect for those really hot summer days. It is also the right size for smaller, younger kids. It isn’t too big, and therefore easy for small tykes to see the whole thing without too much complaining or exhaustion.

The down side to the aquarium is that it is far more expensive than a city aquarium, but well worth the cost of admission. It is also conveniently located 2 blocks from the “West End” which is the main tourist area of Dallas.

See the City

The Nasher Sculpture Center. One of the things I love most about living in Dallas is the city. It is a wonderfully diverse, beautiful, sophisticated city where it’s comfortable to roam around. I have always felt safe in Dallas and indeed many of my friends work in the downtown area. This was refreshing to me coming from Detroit.

The Nasher Sculpture Center is one of the more unique attractions, it is a large outdoor sculpture garden right in the middle of the city. Dallas has a large and growing arts district and the Nasher is part of it. The sculptures are part of the private collection from the Nasher family and the garden has been nationally recognized for its beauty. The cost is minimal with only $10 per adult and children 12 and under free. It can be easily reached by commuter rail (if you are staying in the “burbs”) and it is close to a freeway exit if driving.

Oh, and JFK Was Shot Here

Lastly, go to the Sixth Floor Museum. It does garner a lot of press but it deserves it. I’m not much of a JFK historian myself but even I found the museum amazing and interesting. It is also a relatively short museum to get through but so fascinating you’ll be glad you went. It is also close to both the Nasher Sculpture Center and the Aquarium so it’s easy to schedule in addition to another activity on the same day.

Southern Hospitality: The Truth

The best thing about Dallas is the people who live here. It is a large city with a very diverse population. It is one of the few cities in the United States where being white makes you a minority. And yet, it has never felt like a city divided to me. Most of the residents are transplants from other states and countries and this creates a melting pot atmosphere. The southern kindness and hospitality can be felt everywhere.

You can enter the Ritz Carlton and see tuxedos mixing with cowboy boots and nobody thinks a thing of it. Don’t be alarmed if strangers start talking to you. They are not trying to steal from you (as I thought early on) they are just friendly.

The summers in Dallas are brutal with temperatures frequently reaching into the triple digits. If you are a northerner then the best time to come is in April or May when it is still cold up north but rather pleasant down here. Nothing is more beautiful and stunning then Texas in spring. There are wildflowers planted on the side of every road and the blankets of blossoms always make me feel like I’m on my way to a wedding. Come on down y’all and we’ll have a grand time!


If you’d like to write about the activities in your area you can see the details at Your Chance to Play Tour Guide.

Congratulations to last week’s remaining two winners of the Touchstone Crystal Giveaway: Sadie from Dallas, Texas and Jill from Lynwood, Washington and Amanda? check you email to see if you won this weekend’s Pepsi Ultimate Super Bowl Party Giveaway–I sent an email but haven’t heard back. I need you to answer to get your prize shipped out in time for the game.

I have to say I had no idea the Super Bowl package would be that popular–and who knew there were so many Steelers fans lurking around? Obviously my son still has a bit to do to get me properly educated in football, Andrew pointed out that is wasn’t Indiana that beat the Chargers as I said in my post, it was the Steelers. And that they shouldn’t be called Indiana but “Indianapolis.” I responded by saying that the last time I checked Indianapolis was still part of Indiana but that didn’t matter. Apparently they’re only called “the Colts” or “Indianapolis” by all god-fearing and upright people. Won’t make THAT mistake again.

Sponsored by Little Window Shoppe–One of my favorite places for products and style.

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